LAND'S END revisited The last time I worked on this project, it was to decorate it for Christmas in 2015. and it was still decorated for Christmas in 2019. Last week, after months of angst and indecision, I decided that rather than start a brand new project, I would make an effort to finish this one, so I hauled it down from the shelf and immediately began cleaning it out. I had only completed 2 rooms in this Denise dollhouse kit, before I'd lost my motivation and shelved it, even so, cleaning it was a bigger job than I'd originally thought! It took me longer because for the past 4 years, I had been using this dollhouse for storage. Periodically I'd toss anything which was even remotely related to the sea, into it, so there were lots of forgotten minis to rediscover as well as to play with all over again. ★★★ I used an old paint brush to sweep away the worst of the dust, or else I just blew on it Real Hard! Some of the surfaces required a good scraping off of the old sticky wax and/or the hardened Blue Tack adhesives. As you can see, the living room adjoins the kitchen. Currently, the kitchen window wall is removable and I just might keep it that way, enabling me to get into the back of the house, later on. If you wish to refresh your memory (as I certainly needed to do), take a quick look at a couple of 'IN PROGRESS' Land's End pastposts. As usual, everything is held temporarily in place with FRESH Blu Tack until I get closer to the end of this build and glue it all down. ★ THE WAY I WORK One of the reasons it takes me SO LONG to build anything, is because I'm constantly putting all of the accessories in BEFORE the space is actually finished. I do this because it allows me to better envision who's living there. So- everything goes in, then I take photos to see how it reads, then everything gets removed until the next phase; then everything goes back in again; I take more photos to see how it really looks; the I take everything out again .... etc. etc. It's a habit for me, as well as being therapeutic and I've been working this way forever! I tell you this because I had the entire room set up without the electricity, then I took a lot of photos and realized that I was wasting my time unless I could actually see the rooms lit, and if there was enough lighting, and if it was visually balanced. Once the lights were turned on, further in and out adjustments needed to be made since the shadows along with the lights, became an important player within each room. All the lamps for this post are temporarily hooked up to a strip of tape wire tacked onto the outside of the house. I have long lengths of white wires running behind the sofa and across the threshold of the front door. It's not very attractive so I shot around it. Later on I'll be drilling holes through the floor and running the wire underneath the house and out, but since this is a temporary arrangement, will do for the time being. ★ And Speaking of Lighting: The 2 wall sconces over the fireplace gave me nothing but GRIEF for 2 days straight! First the right one would work, but not the left; then the left one would work but not the right; then neither one of them worked! Yesterday, I was FINALLY able to get both of the wall lamps to STAY LIT at the same time! So GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE who REFUSE to take NO for an answer! Having lights over the fireplace made a BIG difference to the room although I muted their brightness a little by brushing on a Clear Matte Top Coat nail varnish over the plastic shade AND over the light bulb. This frosted them just enough to tone down some of the glare and made them easier to photograph. ★ THE FIREPLACE |
The little American Flag draped over the top shelf was a decorative tag on a 'T' shirt which I removed and then glued onto a thin brass rod. |
The side chair with the coral upholstery, was originally going to be used in my future Bohemian House That project is still at a distance, so the coral chair may as well live here in this cottage by the sea while it waits. The fireplace has a "fire" inside made from a Double Red LED cell powered light from the Dollar Store. I covered the housing with orange felt; red and neon orange acrylics; red glitter; and thick black acrylic "lead' paint for the carcoals. Here's the post which outlines all the details: ★ THE BOOKCASES |
A quick peek into the kitchen but more on that in my next post |
After looking at the photo above I wonder now why I didn't make an horizontal recessed shelf for above the door? 🤨 I still could- but will I? 🤔 The ceiling is an old wooden placemat I found at the thrift store. I'd used wooden placemats before in Villa Leone When I found this one a while back, my plan was to sand it down and paint it white, although the warm natural wood is growing on me the more I look at it hmmm? something else to ponder🤔 The shelving on the right is still a bit of a mess with a lot of touch ups yet to be done |
The wagon of British Soldiers was made by a Canadian Artisan whom I've lost the name of If I find it I'll make sure to update this post! ★ ON THE SOFA SIDE of the Room |
The lamp is a brass NI GLO brass lamp base with a unrelated silk shade from my stash. The large yacht print on the wall was used to visually connect the blue wallpaper with the high wainscotting which I installed to compliment the high backed toile sofa (a cherished birthday gift ) from Janine fyi the wainscotting on the right side of the room, was was made twice as high the wainscotting on the fireplace wall yet the differences between the two walls doesn't appear lopsided at all! |
The taxidermy seagull under glass, flew in and has made itself at home! |
On the sofa are some assorted throw cushions The "E' cushion was a gift from my dear friend Pam Grant from decades ago. I made the coral red cushion along with the blanket throw draped over the arm; the slouchy floral cushion was a giveaway prize which I won a few years ago from Margaret at Petit- Parterre |
On the tea table is a volume of MOBY DICK beside a basket tray draped with a laser cut linen doily by Jean Day. I've included my Sam Dunlap teapot, with matching cup and saucer, and a single yummy biscuit on the side made by Jodi! Actually, Jodi sent me a full mini box of these delicate little cookies but the entire box was too big for this small tray, so I took out only one cookie, and will be saving the rest to eat later in bed- HaHA! And while I'm on the subject of Jodi, the next time I post my promised up-date on Villa Leone, I will be pointing out quite a few more of the Wonderful Treasures I was blessed to have received from this Multi-Talented Miniaturist~ so stay tuned! |
there still NO interior bed and bathroom walls and there's still NO roof! |
but there's still LOTS of Chaos! 'Shiver me timbers and blow me down!' LAND'S END- has been revisited |
★★★ ★★★ elizabeth |
Pues parece que aún queda mucho por hacer pero la parte que has revisado creo que ha mejorado. Si antes ya me parecía bonita y acogedora ahora aún está mejor.
ReplyDeleteThank You Very Much Isabella! :D
DeleteRevisiting this house after so many years, has been a satisfying experience.
I found out (to my great relief), that I still liked this house A LOT, even though I'd run out of ideas for it back in 2015.
It only needed some additional 'tweeking' to get me back on course, and after getting all the lights to work, it has re-energized me all over again. AND not only that-
I think that I've come up with a better solution for the bed and bathroom side of the house, than what I'd originally intended, which means that after I remove the chaos I should be able to make a good start on the interior walls later this week. HOORAY!!! :D
Wow! I've loved my visit to Land's End - such a treat!! Now I just need to go back and enjoy it all over again.
Thank You Robin! :D
DeleteI've enjoyed your visit to Land's End Very Much, and you are not only Always Welcomed but your also invited to Stay for as long as you wish! :D
What a fun post! I love the clever hurricane lamps and fire you made. It's so great when people repurpose inexpensive items as miniatures, and they turn out so well! I much prefer the unpainted wood for the ceiling. The glossy slats make me think of being inside a ship. :-) The wagon full of Canadian soldiers is adorable. What a unique find. I, too, like the typewriter you currently have. What does it say on the typewritten page? :-) The fishing poles in the rusty can and those boots are perfect, as are the rest of your accessories. It looks like you have a lot of work ahead on the rest of the house, but I hope that going through the "junk heap" will actually yield some delightful treasures and some happy memories!
ReplyDeleteHello Deborah and Thank You Very MUch for your comments about the hurricane lamps and the fire!
DeleteWe all know how pricey this hobby can be especially after you've been involved with it for any length of time.
I'm like you in trying to find cost effective solutions that look more expensive than their humble beginnings and the acrylic baby bottles worked out perfectly in height and in their being hollow on the inside.
I feel real lucky about how the fire turned out too!
And the more I look at the ceiling the more I like the glossy natural wood too!
My other idea was to glue a map of the oceans to the ceiling as I have an old school atlas which would suit, so I'm still undecided. But I'll have to wait on the ceiling until the other two rooms are well underway as this house requires me to work as much from the top down as well as from both ends.
And I find that I'm eagerly looking forward to doing up the rest of this house, after such a long absence and I expect that the work ahead will be less of a journey than the making of the first half was! :D
I would gladly move into Land's End right now and live through the renovations of the kitchen and bedroom. It is so cosy and inviting! All your accessories are wonderful and I know there will be more to see soon. Fabulous!
ReplyDeleteHello Linda and Thank You Very Much for your revisit to Land's End and I'm So Glad you came! :D
DeleteLand's End is becoming a very cosy house just as I hoped it would although it has morphed quite a bit from my original plans: no big surprise there.
I chart a course in one direction and find that along the way, the project has a few ideas of its own, so just better to go with the flow.
I DO Love. Love Love accessories and like Fatima once said to me about her dollhouse VITORIA, "I want to use them All!!!! "
unfortunately I can't
But among the accessories I still DO plan on using, are a number of Precious Gifts which you've made specifically for Land's End! They're still on Standby, until more of this house gets made, but it's my opinion that what makes a house feel really cosy and inviting are the representations within it of Loving family and- Fabulous friends! :D
Aunque todavía quede mucho por hacer,la parte que ya has revisado,se ve acogedora,cómoda y entrañable,sería una delicia poder habitar en ella,ahora me quedan muchas ganas de saber cómo evolucionará la otra parte,aunque seguro que me encantará!!
DeleteAwww Thank You VERY Much Pilar!!! :D
I LOVE the word "endearing" as it is a kind of 'old-fashioned" word that seems to fit right in with some of the 'old-fashioned' vintage furniture and fittings which inhabit Land's End!
My plans for finishing the second half of this cottage, should move along quicker than the first half did because, I THINK I've figured out a solution for the interior walls which had totally eluded me before, so NOW I'm Ready! :D
I am so happy to see the mess you have in your rooms, although it does not look like mess in YOUR rooms. Instead it gives warmth and cosiness. In my rooms it would really be a mess if I tried to copy you.
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA!!!! :D
DeleteOne woman's "Mess" is another woman's 'Cosy" but you should see my studio, Jette, the room where Chaos Abounds!!!! :D
Another great project, your mind is so detailed orientated. I comes across in the work and how lifelike it seems. Hope you have a fantastic day. Jenn
ReplyDeleteThank You So MUch Jennifer! :D
DeleteI always try to factor myself into the mix of whatever project I'm involved with, and so I do a imaginary walk through in each room, so that things that I would like to touch are within reach or accessible, and that the details which contribute towards the lifestyle of the occupants, make sense practically as well as aesthetically, so I Appreciate your comment! :D
Oh my word can I ever relate to abandoning a project! And in my case, ones that are ever so close to being "finished"! Poor Storybook Cottage only needs the bedroom and living rooms completed! They are so close and yet so far! And also so full of a dusty collection of future possibilities. Someday...
ReplyDeleteBut! Lands End! Yes! I am so excited that you have been inspired to pull it down and further it's brilliance! I loved every detail from it's inception and just the scenes from your auditions are already swoon worthy! Excuse me while I go back and pour over the photos again, and thank you so much for including a cookie! What a lucky cookie to be a part of this wonderful and consumingly interesting project! It was also so much fun to go back and read the posts on it's future possibilities!
Ahhhh Jodi!!!
DeleteI have often thought of your Storybook cottage and wondered when it was going to become front and center again. But if you're anything at all like me, then sometimes you need to take a long mental break from a project, allowing the creative juices to recollect, and flow back towards it later.
You did this with your New Orleans house with FAntastic Results, so I'm feeling pretty stoked about tackling Land's End again!
Villa Leone was not an easy project to recover from, and I really didn't feel like doing anything afterwards.
What's more, is that the 2 projects which I eventually did try to do, I could never get past the starting gate. So after weighing out my options and knowing that I already have everything I needed to complete Land's End, I decided that NOW was the time-
and surprise surprise- it is actually working!
And I'm so happy that you've gotten a chuckle out of seeing your One Cookie on the tea tray Jodi, however I wasn't kidding about enjoying the rest of your biscuits in Bed as well as all their crumbs! ;D
Thank you for the tour of Land's End. It is such a cozy place full of memories. I sure you will have her next phase in ship shape soon.
ReplyDeleteYes Indeed Carrie! and after hoisting up my resolve; swabbing out Land's End; and instructing my one man crew on my decided course of action; I'm ready to set set sail once again for the second leg of my rolicking, seafaring adventure! Arrrrrggggh :D
This is a very cosy, messy and really wonderful pair of mini least, if you don't think about all of the "chaos" which it's surrounded, but THAT is just so typical for you, Elizabeth ;O)! I loved following the tour you gave us and the stories you tell us about several of your wonderful miniatures, it makes that it all comes alive.
ReplyDeleteIt also makes me aware of the fact that I'm neglecting my mini farm, but for now my only excuse is that I'm too busy with making new flowers ;).
Hugs, Ilona
You're Soooooo Right about my typical habit of working surrounded by chaos; you've definitely hit the nail on the head, Ilona! heeheehee :D
DeleteBut I'm Very Glad that you've enjoyed taking another peek at the mess behind the curtain and of the two "finished" rooms because now that I've actually CLEANED OUT the chaos, I'm re-charged and more than ever determined to get the last 2 rooms completed before summer 2020.
And I hope that you'll soon be back to work on your mini grandparent's farm before too long, although,I can never get enough of looking at your Incredible miniature thorny roses.... Talk about 'REALLY WONDERFUL'....!!!! :D
Oh Land's End is lovely and so cosy. Looking forward to the next phase. I must get on with my number 2 house (still can't think of a name for it), it's been a work in progress for 5 years!
ReplyDeleteThank You So Much Polly!!! :D
DeleteLand's End certainly wasn't the project I thought I'd be doing this year but now that I've committed myself to it, I am bound and determined to finish it both inside and out.
But I know EXACTLY what you mean about finding a name for your 2nd house project. It not only becomes a Working Title but actually helps set the stage for how it continues to develop, so keep on searching for The Perfect One, until you find it;
or until it finds You! ;D
Dear Elizabeth, My how Time Flies! 2015?! But it is lovely to see Lands End again, and to revisit the wealth of lovingly gathered Treasures accumulated therein! You are So good at setting a scene... a stage... in which the invisible actors have stepped around the corner just a moment ago! And we, voyeurs get a chance to peek into the corners and imagine how lovely it would be to stand there admiring that view, or sit there drinking that tea! (And nibbling the biscuit, of course!) I Love the Ocean theme and the "boat-like" atmosphere of the compact living spaces! I agree that leaving the ceiling unpainted appeals to me in a boat-like way... even though we are clearly On Land and not bobbing on the waves! The glimpse around the "corner" at the rubble... make that Rummage...!... that has accumulated in the next rooms while you have been busy is a Marvel to me! (Your methods are so daring to me... combining, moving, scrapping, painting, turning upside down, shredding, shellacking, stripping, chemistry experiment #28549000.... and Voila! a masterpiece appears from the rubble... um... rummage!!!) Did I get that right? LOL! Seriously, I Adore your creations, every single one! And I cannot wait to see more as this one comes alive again in your talented hands! :):)
ReplyDeleteThank You for each one of your Very Encouraging words, Betsy! :D
Delete2015 feels like an eternity yet also like it was only yesterday: time's playing tricks with my mind.
And I'm Very Glad that you've enjoyed your re-visit here again!
Part of the appeal of Land's End for me, is it's Nautical theme and of being able to view the sea from the front of the house, which is a tribute to my friend Janine's 'Becalmed Cottage' which does exactly that.
Trying to capture that pervasive sense of calm and/or the awe inspiring turbulence as well as the vista of BiG WATER, has been my chief inspiration, although the boat-like atmosphere was pre-built into this house kit, so I was already halfway there as soon as I'd opened the box!
And I'm VERY HAPPY to hear that you feel like "invisible actors have momentarily just stepped around the corner", because indeed, they have!
In fact, the reason they've stepped around the corner was to finally clean out the accumulated (rubble) rummage, and get on with the job of making the rest of the cottage habitable, since sleeping in the chairs or on sofa for the past 4 years, hasn't been comfortable nor any good for their backs and "we" as well as "they", aren't getting any younger! ;D
How exciting to it is to revist a house. You have done a great job so far. It's very welcoming with all the accessories. I would love to have such a house by the sea. To have a writer's corner is a very good idea, to be in that kind of house you have time to get inspiration.
I think I surprised myself as well, at "how exciting" revisiting Land's End would be, so Thank You for saying so and for YOUR return visit, too Genevieve!
DeleteI, like you, would LOVE to have a Real Life home by the sea but having one in mini,( as you also have ), is probably the closest I'll ever get, other than my periodic visits with Janine and Bruce at their Becalmed Cottage.
Re: the Writer's corner- I made it as a nod to my son who writes poetry and puts his words to music. He happens to like "old school" technology and has not only snagged my turntable and record collection, but bought himself an old manual typewriter quite a few years ago.
Funny how things often come full circle again, although I don't think that he'd ever revert to using a rotary over a smartphone:
some things are best left in the past! ;D
I love the back of the house it reminds me of a hoarders episode
ReplyDeletelove ya
Dear Elizabeth, I spent quite a time enjoying your impressive work on this house and used the link directing me to the first version. The old project seemed kind of feminine, maybe because of the gorgeous Australian sandals but this one, is it just me feeling so? feels more masculine because of the boots at the entrance. you. Beautiful, cozy room to relax in. I love your inspiring work and thank you for the tips, old and new. There is so much to learn from you.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Drora
Welcome back to Land's End Drora! :D
DeleteI think that most of my dollhouses tend to lean more towards the feminine but I must agree with you that back in 2015 there was definitely MORE of a leaning in that direction: Very Perceptive!
This time around, I've tried to include A BIT more masculinity not only with the old boots and fishing poles but also in the writer's corner, which I've imagined around my son.
He's coming over this Sunday so I'll see how he likes it! ;D
Good for you getting back to an old project. I can't wait to see more of it!
ReplyDeleteThank You Sheila! :D
DeleteI'm anxious to see how it all turns out as well, which is never as I expect, but always a Grand Finale! :D
Lands End is looking truly wonderful, Elizabeth. Not only are the 'organised' room looking inviting and cosy but I love the very promising look of the surrounding less organised WIP / PHD / UFO.
ReplyDeleteIt is impressive that you manage to get such wonderful photos from your more complete room and it makes me feel better to know I am not the only one who keeps putting all the bits and pieces in and out of a room while I work on it to see if it feels right.
Don't mention lights... I have a true love-hate relationship with those things. The right light is so super important and can completely change the mood of a little scene, but boy.. it seems every time I think I have got the hang of it, something goes wrong. Sigh. Thanks for the tip with the nail polish to 'frost' bright shades. That one is promptly files away in the 'that will come in handy one day' part of my chaotic mini brain.
I will be looking forward the to kitchen update.. for now, I need to go and check out the forerunner links..
Thank You VERY Much Anna! :D
DeleteI am SO Glad that you have enjoyed visiting Land's End and seeing how the "organized" side has turned out! :D
As Ilona has so rightly observed, it is typical with me for the Work In Progress to look as out of control as it does, but since posting this blog, I have actually removed all of the chaos and am actually focused on making it look as habitable as the other side.
Once the interior walls go up then the "love/hate relationship" struggles with the lighting will no doubt continue, but I'm trying to stay optimistic.
One thing about working with temperamental electrics, when things go wrong, you're tearing out your hair; but when you finally get the problem solved; you feel INVINCIBLE!
Would you agree? :D
Wow, I am happy you are back to this project because first, I came late (although I visited the links, so thanks!) And secondly I love what I see. It´s truly magical and wonderful. I hope inspiration keeps filling you and we can enjoy more of it as it´s really a treat to our eyes and minds.
ReplyDeleteGLAD to be Back Alexandra, and Thank You Very Much for YOUR return visit! :D
DeleteInspiration ebbs and flows (as we know so well), but after such a long time away from this project and with half the house already completed, I am hoping that My Mojo won't evaporate too soon,
so Guaranteed MORE to come! :D
Chère Elizabeth, j'aime énormément ce que je vois ! C'est impressionnant chaque pas en arrière,nous donne un retour en avant encore plus fabuleux ! Cette maison de fin de terre nous "transmet" une idée du personnage qui y vit, pour moi, c'est un homme solitaire qui se "noie" dans la nature pour y trouver l'inspiration pour son prochain roman. Les moments où il pêche lui permettent tout en se relaxant d'écrire, non de rêver, les prochaines pages ... Son intérieur revisité est d'une sobre et confortable élégance ! J'adore !
ReplyDeleteLa suite va nous permettre à nous d'oublier la réalité.
Amicalement. Joce
Dear Joce: It gives me Great Pleasure when other people begin feeling, seeing, and forming A Story inside their own mind's eye, as they view each scene.
DeleteThe house Land's End, (or as Google has translated it "the end of the earth" house), has caused me to look at this cottage yet again, from another point of view.
Drora mentioned that she thought that this house looks more masculine than what it did before, and I would agree, however I hadn't considered it as being a dwelling for a"lonely" man, yet Definitely a man with a solitary nature as writers generally are.
Even so, I have Thoroughly enjoyed envisioning your character as I read through your interpretation of the house and its occupant; and the image as you described him, sprang to life immediately! :D
It will be interesting as time goes on, to see how the rest of this cottage will alter as I absorb and interpret some of the interesting input and influences of so many of my readers, as there's NOTHING like thoughtful feedback from Wonderful Friends, so Thank You Joce! :D
It was a great pleasure to enjoy your pictures. Believe me, it would be wrong if I would say I was "just" looking at them... no, I studied them hoping not to miss any single detail. This is one of the things I admire so much about your work, you have a real good hand at arranging decorative items, but not in the way of stuffing shelves etc. but by creating the impression that this house is real, vivid and inhabited by real people with a story or two to tell about their lives. Another thing I'm always in awe with is your miniature eye and your ability to turn cheap findings into something terrific as you did with for example the lamps and the fire. Another example according to me is the ceiling you made from this wooden mat, like Deborah already said, I too was reminded of the inside of a ship and in my opinion it compliments very well with the white beams creating a warm and friendly look... which the whole room has. I'm somehow glad for Land's End that it's now in your focus again, this project really deserves your attention.
ReplyDeleteNevertheless I had to grin after seeing your chaos rooms. It's hard to believe that these perfect miniature rooms and this *ahem* storage places are next to each other. But your way of doing your projects is somehow familiar to me, I always need to have a clear vision what furniture will go in a room and my walls etc. have to match with this and not vice versa.
Oh, speaking of vice versa... I had loads of fun discovering your ball decoration in a bowl. Really an eyecatcher with the Union Jack etc... but I liked the other ball even better. Very international because depending on how you hold it you can always welcome visitors from France, the Netherlands and yes... even from the most northern state of Germany, because these are also the colors of my home state Schleswig-Holstein. ;O)
As always I'm looking forward to see (and even more to enjoy) your next post!
Welcome again to LAND'S END, Birgit and I hope you've found yourself feeling rested after such a long journey to the other side of the "end of the earth"! :D
DeleteMiniatures are such funny things to me. Funny in that they often seem to take on a life of their own when I'm in THE ZONE, but sometimes they'll just grind to a halt and MAKE me leave them for unspecified periods of time until they're ready for me to resume again.
I once took a 12 year Sabbatical away from ALL of my miniatures, so I'm Greatly Relieved that these 4 years away from Land's End, didn't become that long too!
But you'll be Pleased to know, Birgit, that since the happy return of my lost MoJo, I have been working hard on the bedroom and unsurprisingly, it hasn't turned out at all as it probably would have in 2015.
In addition to that I'm making up for lost time, as the room has sprouted a pair of wings and has taken off! :D
But I must THANK YOU as well Birgit, for pointing out how appropriate the Red, White and Blue is for a world traveller's cottage. I hadn't seen it until you pointed it out, that those colours represents several other world nations including your own; LOVE THAT!
I'm always learning new things from the observations of my readers and
ist es nicht Wunderbar?!!! :D
Todos los rincones son entrañables y acogedores, muy vividos. Me encantan esas reformas !!!!
ReplyDeleteThank You Very Much Eloisa!!! :D
DeleteI was Definitely striving to make this room both cozy AND warm and so I feel Doubly Grateful that you not only approve the renovations, but its general atmosphere as well! :D
I immediately imagined a person who lives in this house: he is an old sailor, perhaps the captain of a small commercial boat. He has a gray beard and smokes a pipe. (really obvious, I know!) and he owns an old typewriter because he is writing his memoirs, an exciting story of all his travels at sea ... Is he a good character for this house?
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the idea that the man of the house is a retired commercial sea captain, in the process of writing his memoirs - it makes perfect sense to me!
DeleteBut what I also find interesting is that you've mentioned his habit of smoking a pipe because I had Exactly the same idea and last week I was looking th for them everywhere, without success.
However I KNOW I have those pipes tucked away somewhere, so I'll keep searching for them until they turn up, so Thank You Very Much Elene, for your timely reminder! :D
Good project. Evrything is perfect in this room and it is so cozy.
ReplyDeleteThanks Faby!!!:D
DeleteI must say that I am Really Enjoying this project and my momentum hasn't slowed at all, so I should have more to post for your viewing pleasure very soon! :D
cool post and beautiful room, glad you are back at it!
ReplyDeleteThank You Very Much Linda: it makes me Very Happy that you have enjoyed both the post as well as the room! :D
DeleteIt was a good post for me to do because it caused me to go back and revisit my old posts which helped to refresh my memory regarding the origin of certain accessories and/or features but also recharged my creative low battery. Happy to report that now that I've restarted Land's End- I can't stop!
I have so enjoyed this Elizabeth, the photos are amazing...what fun! Everything looks so realistic! Celia
ReplyDeleteThank You So Much for your visit Celcia and for your comment with regards to the realism of this room, which is ALWAYS the proverbial "cherry on top" for any miniaturist enthusiast and ALWAYS Greatly Appreciated! :D
Love seeing Land's End again. Being an "Island girl" (from Prince Edward Island originally), sea-themed miniatures have always called my name. I have yet to put one together myself but the inspiration I get from your beautiful work will be foremost on my mind when I eventually take on such a project myself. Such beautiful work, Elizabeth. - Marilyn D.
ReplyDeleteThank You Very Much "Island Girl"! :D
DeleteBut how Marvellous for you to have come from P.E.I.- home of another Island Girl; Anne of Green Gables.
"Look at the sea, girls- all silver and shadow and visions of things not seen."
I am Delighted that you feel inspired by Land's End and its 'sea theme' and also that you also feel the call of a future nautical project just over the horizon and I hope that you'll climb aboard Marilyn because there is so much 'scope for the imagination' when it comes to constructing a mini project by the sea. :D
je regarde très longtemps toutes vos photos. c'est incroyable de voir comment vous arrivez à mettre et assembler tous les objets ensemble . à chaque fois , c'est parfait . chaque objet à sa place . il va toujours parfaitement avec celui qui est à coté . parfois , je me dis " quel désordre !' mais c'est la vraie vie . chaque objet raconte l 'histoire de son propriétaire . c 'est façon de faire est si naturelle chez vous , que je vous envie .
ReplyDeletemerci pour toutes ces photos
THANK YOU Catherine for your Wonderful comment, which I Greatly Appreciate! :D
DeleteIt is as you say: Real Life is often messy and or at the very least- untidy, and my objective has never been 'perfection' because I know I don't have it in me. But when I embrace My Own Chaotic, Imperfect, Reality, I'm better able to translate it into my peculiar little worlds, far more effectively than otherwise;
so glad to know that you approve! :D
Dear Miss E, first off I thought that I was looking at a real scale room ! then I read further, such a lovely room ! The mess further on looks a lot like my real house at the moment as I am packing to move, the last attempt having aborted. I so miss my minis and blogging but as things stand I will be off the air unti the summer as I move in June 500 kms away then comes the decoration and installation of the new house then setting up my workrooms ,,, getting my bearings ,, Huggsss
ReplyDeleteSo Happy to hear about your upcoming move Stephanie, although the last I'd heard, everything had ground to a halt. So, how wonderful for you that you're up and on the move again, albeit through a disruptive and inconvenient time; as if moving isn't stressful enough!
DeleteRemember to Practice Social distancing although I hope that you're able to get some help packing- is that now an oxymoron?
Meanwhile, Thank You for taking the time to pop over here for a quick visit- because it Really Means a Lot! :D
What a great read this post was. It's such a lovely little project with so much going on and lovely items to drool over (I'm thinking of the toile sofa here!) It's always lovely to read your posts and I always learn something from them.
ReplyDeleteThank You Irene, I am So Glad that you've enjoyed this post! :D
DeleteIt does indeed have A LOT going on in this room but I am constantly editing and reworking it, so just like the sea, it is rarely the same!
And the toile sofa IS definitely the feature of this living room and I NEVER get tired of looking at it and admiring it myself, but I'll pass your "drool" worthy compliment over to Janine, the original gift giver! :D
Gracias Elisabeth por este recorrido , ha sido un espectáculo digno de ver y disfrutas. Ahora comprendo porque esta maravilla, el tiempo empleado en hacer fotos, cambiar detalles ; una labor de titanes. Gracias por mostrarlo y explicar cada detalle incluyendo los tutoriales de como el fuego de la chimenea o emplear piezas, como los candelabros . Que pases un buen día ,besos:-)
ReplyDeleteHello Rosa Maria and I am VERY GLAD that you have enjoyed your tour! :D
DeleteI have to say that I always enjoy the details more than the build but each one has its own challenges.
and there's More about Land's End soon to follow! :D
Elizabeth, Your latest post "A Long Day's Journey in to Night" won't load for me- is this my computer or something on your end? Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThanks Michelle, It was on my end - I hit the wrong button but it's up again. :D
I NEED my StudioE fix!
ReplyDeleteHahahahhah! :D
DeleteMiniatures: Truly A recreational drug if ever there was one! ;D
Dear Elisabeth,
ReplyDeleteThis house looks wonderful already. I love the theme of this house. Treasured memento's of a life by the sea and long journeys on the waves. Especially the informal clutter (in the most positive sense) that gives it an extra sense of realism.
I really look forward to the next step in 'la Finistère.'
Thank You Very Much Huibrecht! :D
DeleteI suppose my fiction follows my reality as I'm usually engulfed in stacks of informal clutter here inside my studio: a constant companion no matter how many times I clean it up! ;D
But I enjoy using it inside my mini habitations to fill in the blanks of my story. Everything goes in and then I try to edit, edit, edit, until enough of the stuff is left to tell the tale and what's been removed; isn't missed.
So Glad to know you've enjoyed your little sea visit :D
Dear Elizabeth,
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post this post was! I always wonder how nicely you solve problems.The results are much better than the original alternative.
The living room looks like a room in real life. "The writer´s
corner" could be a scene from some movie. I love it.
Awwww Thank You VERy Much Sirkka! :D
DeleteSuch a Lovely comment which gave me Great Pleasure to read! ❤️
oh my word this post is going to last me for much to see and enjoy. It is a house stuffed full of what my mother would have called trinklements, never quite sure what they were exactly but seemed, in her case, to cover a lifetime of memories embodied in objects. You got to enjoy the thing itself and then the story. This is such a home and so rich in tales..
ReplyDeleteHi Marilyn! Yes there's Definitely a lot going on here at Land's End and you're Spot On in saying that it covers a lifetime of memories because it certainly does! :D
ReplyDeleteThere's a mix of both old and new purchases and when I say 'old' I'm talking DECADES!
So it feels good to get them out of the boxes and into a permanent place of residence where they are finally able to tell their individual Tales to all who may come to visit! :D