Saturday, 27 June 2015

What's in A Name? .... #The HBS Denise Kit

 I was born in the U.S.A. 

My mother was born in Canada. 
Back then... Canada was still called a Dominion and tightly linked into the British Commonwealth.  Perhaps that explains why my mom was (and still is), Fascinated by the British Monarchy and chose to name me after Queen Elizabeth II while she was still a princess.  As a young girl, my mother wrote a poem to commemorate the Princess Elizabeth on the eve of her marriage to Prince Philip which she then mailed to Buckingham Palace, and when she received a "Thank You" letter from the princess via the royal secretary, she was over the moon!
Her poem and the Thank You letter, were published in the local newspaper along with my mother's photo. She was so proud of both events that she named me "Elizabeth" after 
her Royal Highness.
Thanks mom!
I think that Names are important too.

I am not sure why this kit is named "Denise"but I knew that I was going to have to give it a new name

I began working on it.
Finding a suitable name whether it is for a child, a business, a book, a blog, a perfume, a pet, an event, etc., can be quite a challenge.
The name I was looking for needed to have a reference to the sea, as the photo of the cottage on the box looked to me like half of the hull of a ship.  It was to be American so that I could finally use my Americana painted furniture which I have been saving.
The name also had to be one that I would not get tired of repeating, so nothing too long like  
#43 Green Dolphin Street!
I tried out several names as I  cleaned my house in preparation for our next Miniteers Meeting
Last Tuesday Janine, Linda, and Fatima a.k.a. "The Miniteers" came over for a light lunch  and we had a great time eating, gabbing and exchanging gifts.  The sun was shining and our spirits where high. Time sped by far too quickly and was so much of fun. Towards the end of our visit they asked me about my next project, and did I have an idea yet of what I wanted to do?
It had taken me 4 days to come up with a working title, and I thought I would try it out on the group to see what they thought.  
Here is the name I presented. 
"I was thinking that it is a cottage on the eastern seaboard of the U.S.A."
  then Linda said that it is the name of a place in Cornwall England!
Land's End (CornishPenn an Wlas or Pedn an Wlas)[1] is a headland and holiday complex in western Cornwall, England. It is the most westerly point of mainland Cornwall and England, is within the Penwith peninsula and is about eight miles (13 km) west-south-west of Penzance at the starting and finishing point of the A30 road.[2]


a British connection

Mother will be pleased!

And so
I opened up the HBS KIT for the first time. 

"Houston, we have a problem"
 It appears that I will need power tools to make any major structural alterations to the kit. 

I don't do power tools-
I can barely work with a craft knife!
 that mean that I must try and work

 I loosely assembled the kit to see what 
"Land's End" will eventually look like
I used cardstock to map out the interior walls and found some french doors in my stash and started moving them around until I found a floorplan that could work.
 To get a sense of the space and how best to organize it, I dressed the space right from the start.  I decided to make the narrow end the end a window wall using the kit's sliding doors.
Janine's Real Life home, aptly named "Becalmed Cottage" has a wall of windows that looks straight out onto the water of Boundary Bay... What a Lucky Duck!

This will be my cottage by the water.

The living room and the dining room are open to each other. There will be a step up into the kitchenette.
*Yes, another tiny kitchen*

The view is into the kitchen, however the back wall with the window is where I hope to install the bathroom.   

The glass doors which looks out towards the water
calls for a wrap around deck filled with potted plants.
That will be fun! 
One of the kit windows will go in the kitchen where the owner will have a view and lots of light. 

Since the dining area will be right in front of the deck doors, I needed enough room around the furniture to still allow easy access to the deck and into the living room. I auditioned different table shapes, benches and/or chairs but settled on the round bistro table with bentwood chairs that I purchased 2 years ago from Victoria Miniland. 
Once I got started choosing furniture the fun began. 
  Furniture and accessories that have been in storage for over a decade, were set up to work out a traffic pattern as well as coax out personality and a direction for my cottage.
 guess what?
 I didn't realize the entire volume of it until I actually got going. 
I have been collecting not only painted furniture but also lots of toys.
 I want to use as much of my Americana /
Nautical collection as I can, as well as include a wee bit of British as a nod to the crown .
 I loaded up the space with everything that I thought would work but later as the rooms takes shape, I will edit out the excess.    
F.Y.I.  the blue hydrangeas in the fireplace, were a recent gift from Fatima
and there is Lidi's basket right beside it! whoohoo!
The sailing ship on the dining table was freed from a 'ship in a bottle' display that I found waiting for me at the thrift store. I think that the flag on the sail is Australian.  I will have to verify that later with either Linda or Janine.

This toile sofa which will be include, was a lovely surprise gift from Janine during the 2015 Seattle Show we attended last March.   It makes itself right at home here.
A lady named Robin made me the country rabbit back in the 1990's. 
Last month, I had received from Linda, an adorable yellow rain slicker and a matching Sou'wester hat. 
They too will be destined for the interior of
Land's End

In the bedroom, I hope to be able to FINALLY
use my Uncle Sam doll ( artist unknown) which I purchased over a decade ago.

The American Flag (which is soon to become a miniature pillow) was clipped from a Ralph Lauren T-shirt which I bought several months ago at the thrift store.
oh.... I have so many plans!  

the wardrobe came from my "At Home By the Sea" Glencroft  but It will serve here as the closet.

After playing with the furnishing for hours, I switched out the  modern sliding doors for the French doors.
They look more Traditional and I am rather partial to Traditional

However the final decision on that will have to wait.

 I think I have figured out enough to actually get started. 

Here's is an overview of my future plans for the
HBS Denise Kit
And Yes.... it's a Mess!

From this point, working backwards, I will take Everything out and permanently assemble the cottage.
Then I will have to prime it and install the interior walls as well as work out the lighting.  

I know that I have a whole lot of catching up to do, but I shall be bringing you progress reports all along the way

officially begins now
God Save the Queen!



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Brae. The time has come to get to work! :D


  2. Cool project! Looking forward to watching things unfold! xo Jennifer

    1. Hello Jennifer! I am happy that you like the project thus far!
      I think that it will continue to change as it unfolds, and I hope it does :))


  3. It will be wonderful cottage I can already see it. And what a pleasure to follow your New Project!

    1. Hi Ritta! Thank You for saying so! :)) I think that it will be a Lot of Fun and a nice change of pace too!


  4. Hi Elizabeth,
    Hurrah!!! A new project underway. I do love the curved roof of that kit and I always love to see more of your amazing collection emerge. (everyone will be clipping the U.S. flag off their Ralph Lauren shirts).
    Bruce says: "He has power tools!!" I can confirm that. Since our renovation of this RL cottage they seem to have multiplied. When I ask, "Is that new?" He answers, "Oh, I've had that for years"
    Oh yes, I know that game!!
    Keep up the good work!

    1. Janine that sounds like us women when we buy stuff LOL

    2. I agree with both of you and next time Bruce will have to think of something more original, like he won them after answering a skill testing question, or he found them abandoned along the side of the road! heeheehee :D
      Even so, he certainly put them all to good use on your Real Life cottage renovations!.... " Bravo Mr. B" :D


  5. Ok, this is going to be exciting! I would love to live in a place like that in RL! Now my dolls are all jealous and looking at me crazy. I need to finish my chalet. Maybe that will calm them down a bit! Oh, and should I be calling you Your Majesty now? LOL!

    1. Hahaha Your dolls are all looking at you crazy!!!!? So Funny Grandmommy!
      I am looking forward to getting started on this cottage and I hope that it inspires you to finish your chalet, because you don't want an uprising of angry dolls on your hands. Samuel L. Jackson has that light saber as I recall......
      and now that you've mentioned it... "Your Majesty" does have a certain ring to it that I like ....... hmmmm?

      elizabeth :D

  6. Se ve que estás disfrutando mucho haciendo planes y sacando todos esas cosa que estaban esperando encontrar su sitio.

    1. Hi Isabel! You are Right! I really do enjoy this part of the planning process! :))
      Pulling everything out and setting it up was very satisfying and it made me sad to have to take it all out again so that I could get started.
      But now the real work begins!


  7. How exciting to start a new project. I love the name you have chosen too. You are right picking names for things isn't always easy.

    You sure have a lot of great pieces too incorporate into the project. I am looking forward to watching it all come together.

    1. Hi Catherine! I am getting excited about this new project too! The commitment to the HBS Denise kit had been hanging over my head for months and I had no idea what I was going to do with it. Now that I do, and I have a Name, the project is less intimidating than it was.
      I had the forethought to purchase some quality pieces back in the 90's which I am delighted to finally get to showcase, as many of the artisans have since retired. I think that Land's End will do them proud!
      My mother will be pleased that you enjoyed her story. I don't know where she has stored the letter or the poem but I know that she has them still! :))


  8. PS... I forgot to say how much I enjoyed the story about your mother. I hope she framed the article.

  9. Te espera mucho trabajo y diversión. Tus planes parecen estpendos, ahora a llevarlos adelante.

    1. So True Victoria! Lots of Hard Work ahead AND Lots of Fun too! :D


  10. Looks great so far Elizabeth! I don't expect anything else from you! So much fun playing with a brand new kit! I am surprised at how much room there is in this one. You have some great accessories there too! I look forward to more news.

    1. Hi Shannon! :D I was quite surprised at the volume of the interior space as well, but it certainly made it easier to cordon off the areas for individual rooms.
      Playing with the accessories was a Blast! I only hope that I can find the space to use as many of them as possible, otherwise they will have to go back into storage again! :(


  11. Ooooooohs and ahhhhhs! This is going to be wonderful to watch unfold. Everytime I read your latest post I think, come for the minis stay for the stories. I love reading your posts!

    1. Oh Thank You Kat! I wasn't sure about this telling this tale as I started to write it, but it worked itself out as I went along. And I am So Glad that you have enjoyed IT, just as much as the minis! :D


  12. Hav lots of fun building your new house :-)

    1. Hi Mieke! I am not very good building houses but I LOVE to decorate them! :D I hope that this kit will come together easily, since I have a LOT of catching up to do! :))


  13. Que revoltillo de cosas bonitas para colocar. Será muy divertido.

    1. I agree Eloisa! Right now it looks like a "Scramble of pretty things" and I hope to not only sort them out but also to make them all work together and I am looking forward to it too! :D


  14. Hi Elizabeth! I LOVE the mess in your new project and also the way how you've found a new name for it :D!
    Also thanks for sharing all of your inspirational pictures about the new project, I wish you lots of fun building it.....I already have a lot of fun now, whilst reading this blog post ;)!!
    Hugs, Ilona

    1. Thanks Ilona! :D Yes, it IS a Mess, but I sure had FUN making it!!!! :D A picture is worth a thousand words and so not only is it easier to describe what I think is in store for this kit but it will be a needed reference for me once the stuff needs to go back inside! My mind is Always over-crowed and now only has room for one idea at a time! :/


  15. Hi Elizabeth! I was hoping you'd get started on another project! I've so enjoyed following your work on #43 Green Dolphin Street. I love the NEW name I may be able to actually remember! :0)

    You are already displaying the charm I have come to know you for in the new kit! I look forward to seeing this come together, because I know it will be yet another FANTASTIC example of your inner spirit.

    I have a secret...power tools are only scary for a little LEARN how to use them...and with Bruce in the picture, you have a teacher....I know you can do it. :0) I for one would love to see what you did with the "changes".

    Either way, I look forward to the process and the results!


    1. Hi Doug! I had this HBS kit waiting in the background since the beginning of the year. I knew it was there but I had the deadline of the West Coast Show pressing, so that I couldn't even think about this kit until The show was over. Nice to be able to focus now on something entirely different! Glad that you like the name because I do too! :D
      Power tools are NOT my friends! However, Bruce was the one who taught me how to use my camera ( God Bless him) and so I know that you are right- he is a Great teacher! :D


  16. Land's end is a beautiful name and suits really well with the plans you have for this cottage. Denise was a strange name, although French for me it's old fashioned. It's a project I will enjoy following, and the theme really appeals to me.
    It's nice to know why you are called Elizabeth, it's a very touching and sweet story.

    1. Hi there Genevieve! I knew that you would like this project having made your own lovely Seaside home for your mini French family! :D
      I am so glad that you like the name Land's End; I knew it was right for this project, as soon as I hit on it!
      And my mom will be delighted that you have approved her choice of names too! :)


  17. So happy to see another project to come out of your imagination! I already love the kit and it can only get better from here!! I'm sure everyone will be looking at their wardrobe to see if they can find a Ralph Lauren label to trasform it in a cushion!!! Great idea!! Your mother's story is very cute....wouldn't expect the queen to answer all people that sent her letters!!!

    1. Hahahah! Janine said the same thing about the Ralph Lauren Shirt! I hated to cut into it but the sacrifice had to be made and the pillow turned out Perfectly! :D
      Her Majesty the Queen, was still only a princess when my mom wrote her poem and all this happened not that long after WWII and times were quite different then.


  18. Hooray!!! Another Fantastic Elizabeth project!!! I Love the way you work! It is so Emotive! And I agree that the Name matters! I think "Land's End" is a wonderful name and have always loved the very Idea of land's end... ah the sea.... the sea.... what is it about the Sea? Your use of space is always so richly layered, and it seems we will be treated to more of the Elizabeth Magic with this project! I really look forward to seeing the steps on your path to Land's End!!!

    1. Oh Betsy, you know me so well! The Sea.... The Sea! :D I wasn't sure about the direction of this project until I had the name. I hadn't planned on using the toys until I found them in a box that I thought contained the stored furniture. Everything seemed to surface automatically, beckoned by the call of the sea!
      But we shall have to wait and 'see' just where the next steps will lead. :D


  19. I like your new project. Your name have a nice story.

    1. Hi Faby! My mom told me the story of my name many years ago. It impressed me too, when she related it. My mom is the foremost authority on the Royal Family better than anyone I know, and has memorized the royal lineage knowing who married whom and when and maybe even "why"? She is better than Google! :D


  20. У меня нет слов! Это настоящий ураган ваших мыслей! Дом почти готов! :) :) :) Ваше предисловие мне понравилось. Я могу начать читать новую книгу! Я хочу сказать большое спасибо вашим подругам! :) :) :) Они сыграли определенную роль! :) :) :)
    Вы рассказали замечательную историю своего имени! Это так трогательно! Я надеюсь , что у вашей мамы имела много счастливых моментов в жизни!
    Я с нетерпением жду новой встречи с большой повестью!

  21. HAH!!! "The 'Perfect Storm' of my thoughts"... Well Said, Tatiana!!!! :D
    I am Delighted that you have like the preface and the rest of the story ( I hope), will be even MORE interesting; perhaps even a BEST SELLER!? :D


  22. Ah... that's great... the start of a new journey - somehow. I will be your traveling companion comfartably watching and admiring while you are building Land's End! I really like how you've came up with this, yes, name's are so important for a project. And I really had to grin about all the things you've kept for good... blessed are we who save everything for the day we will finally need it! *LOL* I'm really looking forward to see this develop.


    1. Hi Birgit! :D When I think back to the time I actually made most of these purchases, I had NO IDEA then, that it would be this long before I was able to use them. However, they have all stood the test of time, and now that I know the direction of this project, the rest SHOULD be easy!

      I hope

      elizabeth :D

  23. I don't know if I should curtsy when I address you Princess =0D What a lovely story and I'm really pleased your Mum got a reply. You build looks exciting. You seem to already have a clear idea what you're after which is much further than I've imagined for my own build. Can't wait to see what magic you come up with =0)

    1. Hi Pepper! Hahaha ! A curtsey is not necessary between friends! :D
      I am very happy that my mom received a reply too! She was very young at the time but it certainly made a lasting impression!
      Although it may appear that I have a clear idea now, I know that the house will have its own something to say! I only hope that I don't have to butt heads with it too much as this project progresses.

      elizabeth :D

  24. Bonjour Elizabeth,
    hier matin , assise dans le train, je découvre avec bonheur, pas seulement un nouveau projet (chouette !!! ) ça nous promet de longs et savoureux textes et de belle photos, mais aussi l'histoire de votre prénom oh ! oh !
    Le mien, je le dois à l'admiration de maman pour une actrice américaine ;) ;) ;)
    Je vous embrasse. Joce

  25. Hello Joce! I am so pleased that you have enjoyed the story of how I got my first name but I didn't mention that my middle name is after my mother's and her mane is Joyce too! :D
    I don't believe that she was named after a movie star but I am now very curious as to which American actress your mother named you for? :))


    1. Bonjour Elizabeth,
      maman aurait 95 aujourd'hui, donc l'actrice Jocelyn ??? serait plus âgée. J'ai oublié son nom. J'adore Joyce !
      Bisous. Bonne journée !
      Votre collection de miniatures est importante et très belle. Joce

  26. Magnifique histoire que celle de la lettre de votre maman, je comprends sa fierté d'avoir reçu une réponse du Palais.
    Je suis heureux de votre nouveau projet et déjà excité par tous les objets qui sortent de vos tiroirs.

    1. Good Morning Jean-Claude! It pleases me that you have enjoyed the story of my dubious Connection to Royalty :)) and Thank You for your enthusiasm regarding my future plans concerning Land's End; my cottage by the sea. I am looking forwards to MANY happy house spent on this project too! :D


  27. So exciting!! Happy you are joining the fun! :D

    1. Hi Blake and fellow Denise kit builder! :D
      I am Very Happy to be joining in the fun as well! And I wish you Great Success on your project as you progress! :D


  28. Hi, Elizabeth - I had such a good time reading about your new project. I love new projects! And I really like the fact that you've had so many interesting bits and pieces stashed away for so long and will now find a use for them. That's fun! I look forward to following your progress with Land's End. Great name. Great project.

  29. Hi Marjorie! I am glad that you are going to be along for the ride! :D
    It was great Fun getting re-aquatinted with all of the bits and bobs that I had stored for so many years, and I hope that I will be able to use the greater part of them in my Land's End project. I would certainly hate to have to pack them all back up to wait another 10 plus years!. :/

    elizabeth :))

  30. Wow! a new project! So exciting... I like the name Land's End.
    And your name also! What a lovely story...

    1. Hi Nono! :D I am Very Happy that the name Land's End appeals to you, since I think that it says everything that I could wish about where this cottage is stationed.
      And I am quite Delighted that you like the story of my name too! :))


  31. Hi Elizabeth! You are definitely one of the most interesting dollhouse enthusiast whose blogs I want to follow. You have great ideas, energy and skills to accomplish whatever you want. The planning of your latest project has begun well and it is exciting to follow its progress. We are going to have much fun in the future. Hahahah. Hugs, Sirkka

    1. Hi Sirkka! What a lovely compliments and I will Treasure every single one; Thank You!!!:D


  32. Hi Elizabeth!

    I love your process, I think everything you've placed in there work perfectly. It nice to have supplies, I am always rummaging around but I get lost in my piles :)

    Great name to inspire this new project, I do love the kit, the style is fantastic with the arched roof.

    I await this building journey and your wonderful guide through :)

  33. Ah Lady Jane! It definitely is "A PROCESS"
    It is nice to have Supplies on hand because it certainly helps to speed things up BUT only if I can find them. It is a royal pain when suddenly you remember that you have something that might work, but then you can't find it because you have moved it to a place where you 'Could Find It Easily When You Needed It', but now you can't figure out where that Easy Place is!?
    Case in point: I looked for hours for a bag of picture frames that I finally found when I was no longer looking for them. They had been buried under a pile of supplies that I had taken out and unwittingly laid over top of the very thing that I had been originally searching for.
    I am glad that you like the name Land's End Jane, because I also think it is a great name. Having never worked with an arched roof before, I too am interested in seeing just what the end results will turn out to be. :))


  34. Hi Elizabeth, I think you're off to a great start. I have to admit to secretly liking little cottages on the edge of the sea, even if I don't really want to live in one in Real Life. Can't wait to see more.

    1. Hi Jenny! Cottages by the sea always have my full attention. My friend Janine lives as close to the water as anyone could and whenever I go to her "Becalmed Cottage" for a quick visit, I come back as refreshed as if I had been on an extended holiday! I would LOVE to have the ocean as my backyard, but failing that I shall just have to use my imagination! :D


  35. Hi Elizabeth! Land's End looks like it will be a real treat! I love the collection of miniatures you have suited just for that kind of coastal style. Looks very cozy! Have fun sorting through everything, I can't wait to see your progress :)

    1. Hi Kristine! I am glad that you like the collection of miniatures and I like the term Coastal Style! :D
      I don't know if you noticed or not but I have the orange mixer that I won from your Giveaway in the mock up kitchen and I am planning on utilizing those lovely hamburger platters for this build too! Burgers on the barbie, but minus
      The Bear! :D


  36. Hi Elizabeth! Land's End is a fantastic name and I love i! I'm so glad that I decided to take a look at my blogs today and so discovered that you are embarking on a new adventure. Your collection is amazing, just so precious! Such beautiful pieces to work with. Sometime ago, I lost interest in my dollhouse and all things miniature, something I never thought would happen. Lately, I have been trying to revive it because I need to be interested in something and I'm pretty sure that I will be working on it this summer. I have been looking at magazines and cutting out pages and trying to get inspirations on what to do with the various rooms. If I could only finish it, I would be the happiest woman in the world. I must say that I find your enthusiasm contagious and I will be watching for anything new that you publish on your blog.

  37. Hi Lucille! I know just what you mean when you mention that you never thought that you would loose interest in miniatures. It DOES HAPPEN!!!!! :D It happened to me from 2000 to 2012 so at least you didn't loose all of those years. I know too that you have been actively involved in a variety of Good Causes some of which I have partnered with you in promoting on Facebook. I believe it broadens your horizons when you discover new passions such as you have done. Good on Ya! :D
    But I am Very Happy that you are still interested in working again on your Victorian dollhouse and if I have inspired you to begin again I shall feel that
    I have done my job! :D
    Know too, that Prior to getting the components out of the box I did the same thing as you and began collecting tear sheets from magazines because it helps channel your ideas into something more concrete.
    Keep the home fires burning Lucille!


    1. Thank you for your encouragement, Elizabeth! It means a lot to me!

  38. Hi Elizabeth!
    You had me as soon as I read the word Denise, because that is my daughters' name :).
    Loved taking a peek over your shoulder and 'hearing'' you speak about this new project.
    I hope this will bring you so much fun!
    Can hardly wait to see what you come up with this time :) Love the story about your mother too. It made me giggle. Imagine, at that time, a thank you note from the palace!
    really loved visiting your blog again, keep us posted!

  39. Hi Gee! :D Happy to see that your comment made it through this time around! :D
    Currently I am playing CATCH UP and working furiously to get the carcass of the cottage assembled so that I can start on the FUN STUFF! So far, everything is working out pretty good so I should be posting again next week.

    Stay tuned! :D


  40. Hello Lady Elizabeth,
    God save the Queen! I am a bit late, but this gives me the opportunity to wish you a belated Canada day and a happy 4th of July as you have both holidays in your blood! I love the direction you are taking for the kit. It will be a wonderful cottage by the water. I also love the name and agree that it is so important to get it just right. I struggled for a while before coming up with Dewell Manor. A name does contribute a lot towards peoples first impressions of people and things...I have always been happy my parents chose Giacomo for me.
    I can't wait to see this project come to life. I know it will be another master piece, just like every other project you touch.
    Big hug my friend,

    1. Good Evening Sir Giac! I is always a pleasure to see you and to read your comments! :D I certainly agree that a name begins forming an impression long before the object or person is in sight. It was William Shakespear who said "that which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet".
      But just as Juliet expressed; I don't know if I really believe that!
      Big Hugs back my friend :D


  41. Well, your Royal Highness, may I say that if these early musings are anything to go by Lands End is going to be a fascinating project, so looking forward to seeing more.

  42. Hi Norma, Silly You,... there is no need to bow! hahahha
    Glad that you find the early musings,... Amusing! I do believe that this project is going to provide plenty of surprises as I work on it. Already it is talking back and telling ME what to do!!!!? what cheek!!!

    The struggle is real

    elizabeth :D

  43. I see that it will be wonedrful cottage. I love window walls and glass doors. You have wonderful colection of pretty miniatures.
    warm hugs

    1. Hi Niele! Thank You for your vote of confidence! :)) I have been collecting minis for decades so many of those pictured are from the 80's and the 90's. They have been waiting a LOOOONG TIME! :))


  44. Hi Elizabeth. Your cottage is wonderful, you have a great eye for detail and you're a great story teller! I understand the second guessing thing....I tell myself I'm adaptable!!
    Looking forward to your next instalments.

  45. Hi Jo! I think that you have hit the nail on the head when you advise being "Adaptable" when constructing a mini project. Often we chose to believe that WE are in complete control, but in truth it is always co-operative adventure.
    So glad to have you following the progress of this build AND for your comments, they are greatly appreciated! :D


  46. The kit is named after Denise Moran-Hickey former HBS/ customer service representative who passed away on September 9. 2014. An "In Loving Memory" insert was published in HBS/ Holiday 2014 catalog.

  47. Hi Stephen! Thank You for writing this! This information was emailed to me by Fran after this post was published. I think that it is a lovely way to commemorate a valued colleague and I applaud HBS/ for doing so. :))


  48. Finally got back to this today. Wow, what a journey for Lands End! I love how you pile everything in to see what works, Elizabeth.


DO OVERS! a Glencroft Living room redecoration

    Back in April of 2022, I made up a storyline for my Glencroft renovations, which went something like this...   "After due considera...