Saturday, 26 January 2013


Mountains of Chests! 

the pretty little blue painted chest is by Alan Barnes
Stacks of chairs!

 Loads of Needlepoint cushions by my friend Pam Grant.  She use to send them to me by mail!  Lots of them came out of the destroyed doll's house, but I never knew just how many they numbered.  She is now a romance novelist, and says that her eyes can't do this kind of work anymore.  She made me a beautiful mini needle point carpet that I have used in another half- finished project that has sat for the last 12 years.  I thankfully, had that one INSIDE the house.   

I had to clean out the miniature stuff that I had stowed away in the garage for the last 12 years because the cardboard storage containers were soaking up the moisture in the air and as a result things were getting damp.  Some of the items had just plain rusted away and I had to throw out a lot because of the corrosion. I used to use salt to fill the pillow cushions with, and the salt plus the moisture spelled... Trash!  Added to that, I had stored 2 finished doll's houses in the garage, furnished and everything only to find (several years ago now) that rats had gone in the mini front doors and chewed all the fabric wall coverings that I used inside, off the walls and left a Mess over everything!  These were no 'HUNCA MUNCAS', nothing cute about it!  I ended up giving one of the houses, complete with dolls and furnishings( such as they were) to my friend Pam Grant, and she took it 'AS IS' and cleaned it up and made it her own.  The other house was the one that had won Best of Show at the Seattle Miniature Show and Sale in the late 90's and as bad as it was, I was determined to eventually re-do it and start again.  It was entitled "At Home By the Sea", and as the name explains, it was a nautical home with vintage overtones.  I cleaned it out and rescued all the salvageable items I could.  There was a lot to clean up, but I did it and all of it was re-stored in the boxes and back into the garage.  IN the past and  over the years, when I had finished other projects, that I either had sold or given away, I had accumulated a vast surplus of mini that I always said I was going to use and never did and eventually had forgotten about.  So, I have begun to pull everything out of the garage and back into the house, into my work space and I am SWAMPED!  Kim, of Minimalarky had taken a photo of her workspace, and I had thought maybe to do the same, however, I decided against it, as mine is just too much!!!!  I decided instead to show you just some of the things that have been in hiding and that I have had without knowing how much I actually had because it was all spread out.  There is still another box in the garage that I have to get to, yet.  Fi, this is where a "keen eye" will lead you.  Mini Hoarding!


  1. Hi Elizabeth, Looks like everyone is sleeping in today! What a nice visit with all the things you have collected.
    I do remember being with you when you bought some of them - especially the chair with the circle holes in the back rest. Also recognize the little cupboard that Bruce made one for each of us. Mine is in the childrens room and I lined it with toile. I see that you stained or painted yours.
    Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

    1. Hi Janine, Thanks for reminding me that The Mighty Bruce made that cupboard! I had forgotten as it has been such a long time under wraps. Now I shall treasure it even more. I nearly fell over as I began to consolidate the furniture pieces! A Big LIttle problem! And I think that I never have enough!!!??? Eyeee YAHHH!!!

  2. That is quite a collection!!

    You must have been doing this for a very long time, no wonder you have such an eye for miniatures. You know I was browsing through pinterest yesterday and somebody had pined your copper pot tutorial, I recognised it straight away!

    ML Fi xx

  3. Hi Fi, I have actively been collecting since the 1980's,but what used to happen was that I would make a roombox and when it was finished, I would slowly dismantle it and save the pieces and begin a new project and then buy new pieces for the next one. Don't really know why I did this, but I did. After a while I began l to lose awareness of what I already had, hence the over -load . But the worst is the accumulation of materials such as the bits and pieces that go into the tutorials! I am glad to know that the copper pots are out there in other peoples pinterest archives rather than just lying around
    in my workroom!(smiles)

  4. Hehe, I love the way everything is piled up on top of eachother =)
    Take care!

    1. Hi Anna, Kind of looks like a Garage Sale, doesn't it?


  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Hello Jazzi! I am having the MOST ROTTENEST TIME OF IT, TODAY! You left me such a lovely comment and I somehow deleted it and..... WHAAAAAA!!!! I think I just get going too fast and I'm not paying attention and so.. WHAAAAA!!!!. What a Welcome to walk into. IT may soothe to learn that I WIPED OUT Lucille 3 times before she finally was able to leave a comment that wasn't obliterated unintentionally. So please forgive me JAZZI, I am glad that you found my blog too, I have admired you and your infectious enthusiasm for some time. 'Q' nicknamed you 'Lady JAZZI ' she was not off the mark.

  7. Miss E, your piles of stuff reminds me of ,,, MY piles of stuff ! I sorted it out the other day and there was a big box of tables, another of chairs and then chest and desks and bookcases and so on ,,, where to put them ? as each house demands its 'own' specific furniture most might not ever get used ! also a friend sent me 20 kilos of furniture and walls and floors and accesories from kit magasines , some is useabale as is the wood but mostly its Junk ,,, BUT bits might come in useful one day ! huggs Stephanie , yes I AM going through your old posts ,,

    1. Great minds Hoard Alike! :D
      and I am glad that you are going through my old posts Stephanie. I usually forget all about them until I get to respond to a comment on them as I am now.
      When I looked again at this post, it re-reminded me of certain items that I had forgotten all about AGAIN as well of some of the pieces I'm been able to use in #43 Green Dolphin Street, so as a result, the piles in this post, would be a little smaller today. ;D
      But HOW EXCITING for you to have a friend send you 20 kilos of dollhouse furniture and accessories- Just like CHRISTMAS! :D

      "And one man's junk, is another miniaturist's treasures"


    2. Great hoards think alike! so funny, so true ! As a 'collector' of many things I admit that most people never get it and even close friends call it 'stuff' and 'junk' when for me it's fun, it's memories, it's decor. I am a libra so we are natural nesters anyway. The other day I was thinking I needed a desk for one room and began searching until I realised that I actually had at least 7 desks in a box ! crazy. I love going through your blog, I Don't always comment as I move onto the next post , then the next, fascinated by this tiny world that has envelopped me now. Huggs Stephanie

    3. Your Hoards of Desks is equivalent to shopping at home, except you don't have to wait! :D



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